Hello all of you blog-reading, written-word-loving folks out there! Welcome to my brand new website! I also have another website by the name of www.raclarkeauthor.com, which I am transitioning into a space dedicated to my adult short fiction and novels only (pending). When that happens, this website will turn into a dedicated site for all of my childrens literature. That's how I see it playing out in my head anyway... but who knows! Everything could change yet. Only time will tell. ;)
Regardless of the logistics, I am growing ever closer to having a couple of my writing projects complete and ready to be published. Exciting! So, to commemorate that glorious fact, I asked myself... why not get a fancy new website to better showcase and promote my work? Well, I think you know the answer to that question, because here we are. Oh - and there I am below! Check out that ugly mug. Haha. Keep scrolling to finish this silly little post. :)
So, since this is my very first blog entry on this brand spanking new website, I won't make it too complicated. I shall simply to say, "Hi! I'm here! I'm just a writer, standing in front of her readership, and asking for them to love her." I hope you got that reference, otherwise I sound very needy. Haha. I am super excited to share my work with the world! And even more excited to connect with other talented authors, artists/illustrators, creative persons, and readers alike! So once again, welcome!
I'll be posting periodic updates, news and announcements as they arise.
Don't be a stranger and stay tuned!
- Rachael Clarke -